The PATHS Difference

Written by Cassandra D.

Decisions can be hard, but having all the facts and a strong support system will help you make the right one!

Read Cassandra’s letter to our leadership team.

Good afternoon, I just want to share my thoughts and feelings with the Televerde Foundation executive TEAM.

When I first embarked on my transition journey, I found myself at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take. It was a time of great uncertainty as I sought to define my goals and aspirations. As a single mother of three wonderful daughters, the weight of responsibility rested heavily on my shoulders, particularly when it came to choosing between the PATHS and Second Chance programs offered at Perryville prison. The amount of information and opinions about both options only added to the difficulty of deciding. Additionally, witnessing some of my colleagues choose different paths left me even more uncertain about the best course of action for myself and my family.

However, everything changed after attending a meeting with Tina Schnaitman at the Citrus call center. Ms. Tina’s unwavering commitment to providing support, tailored to our individual needs, helped alleviate my concerns and uplifted my spirits. Her genuine interest in understanding our specific desires and requirements from the program made a significant difference. It was a breath of fresh air amid the prevailing negative sentiments, and I began to see the positive impact that the PATHS program could have on my life.

Choosing the Televerde Foundation PATHS program has undeniably been the perfect decision for me. Ms. Tina’s guidance and the invaluable support from the program have been transformative. The opportunity to participate in her classes has been immensely beneficial, aiding me in refining my interview skills, gaining a deeper understanding of myself, and clarifying my vision for personal and professional growth. I can’t express enough gratitude to Tina and the PATHS program for empowering me to achieve all of this.

The recent enhancements to the program, such as the job fair, housing support, and job placement services, have opened new prospects for us women. I’m sincerely thankful to the Leadership team for their unwavering belief in us and their efforts in connecting us with exceptional mentors and a robust support network. Individuals like Tina, Coral, and Kathleen have played a pivotal role in my journey, and I firmly believe that I wouldn’t be where I am today without their unwavering guidance.

I am deeply grateful to the foundation for creating such an exceptional program tailored to support women like me in building a strong foundation for success for ourselves and our families. This initiative has fueled our confidence and positively influenced our lives in countless ways.

Moreover, I’m ecstatic to share that following an interview with the SAP IMR team, I am now an esteemed member of the Corporate Televerde team. This new chapter in my career fills me with excitement and gratitude, and I am eager to make meaningful contributions to my new role.

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