National Nonprofit Day: From Corporate Pressure to Nonprofit Passion

By Michelle Cirocco


Michelle Cirocco cutting the ribbon at a new PATHS class

As we celebrate National Nonprofit Day, I find myself reflecting on my own journey. Let me explain. When I first learned I’d be leading the Televerde Foundation, I was hesitant. Having spent decades in profit-driven roles—rising from inside sales rep to Chief Marketing Officer—I was accustomed to the relentless pace and pressure of the corporate world. In these roles, you’re driven by numbers; when goals aren’t met, the responsibility falls heavily on you. This intensity shaped my perception of work ethic, making me initially skeptical about the nonprofit sector, which I wrongly assumed was less demanding.

In 2020, transitioning from Chief Social Responsibility Officer to the head of our new foundation, I was stepping into unfamiliar territory. Despite understanding the needs of the women, we aimed to support—having been in their shoes myself—the thought of leading a nonprofit was daunting. The stigma that small nonprofits were more like someone’s hobby and less serious than their for-profit counterparts weighed on me.  


Embracing the Unexpected

Michelle Cirocco shaking hands with a Summer 2024 Televerde Foundation PATHS graduate

These past four years have been a profound journey. I’ve met nonprofit leaders who are among the hardest working people I know, driven not by profit but by passion. They eat, sleep, and breathe their missions, advocating tirelessly. Nonprofits give a voice to those who might otherwise go unheard; they champion causes, advocate fiercely, and raise their voices in pursuit of equality and justice.

Through the Televerde Foundation, we’ve been able to provide transformative support to women nearing reentry, helping them not just reintegrate into society but to thrive. I’ve seen firsthand the power of focused, compassionate programs that address well-being, efficacy, and resilience, fundamentally altering the trajectories of lives that once seemed destined to circle back to incarceration.

Stepping away from the rigors of corporate life to lead the foundation was a career shift that became one of my best decisions. It’s a role that is significantly more rigorous, but challenges and rewards in ways I had never imagined, making a real difference in people’s lives. And for that, I am genuinely grateful.


The True Measure of Impact

Televerde Foundation PATHS class in Arizona Celebrating the partnership with Arizona State University

As we mark National Nonprofit Day and honor the work of nonprofits everywhere, we’re reminded of the enduring power of compassion and the profound impact it can have on our world. The Televerde Foundation and countless other organizations continue to fight the good fight, proving that the value of a day’s work can transcend profits and change lives for the better. Behind these efforts are the passionate individuals who make it all possible including my own dedicated team. Their relentless commitment and hard work truly bring our mission to life every day.

As I once resisted the call to lead a nonprofit, fearing a departure from the relentless drive of my corporate days, I now stand corrected—and inspired. The most impactful numbers aren’t just in corporate revenue, but in the lives, we touch and transform. Life seems to have a poetic way of proving us wrong, pushing us toward paths we never expected but ultimately needed to walk.

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